App Manager User Properties
These options affect an individual user and are configured within App Manager, under the User category Properties tab.
Note that for an Active Directory user Security Action and Audit Level are the only Properties that can be edited.
Settings category
View, edit or add user name for a Digitise Apps or OAuth User.
Set Password/Change Password buttons
View, edit or add password for a Digitise Apps User.
If no password has been set, the button reads Set Password and clicking on this button allows you to enter a password for the current Digitise Apps User.
If a password has been set, the button will read Change Password and clicking on the button allows you to enter a new password for the current Digitise Apps User.
In either case, clicking on the button will display a dialog box allowing you to enter the new password. You will need to enter the password twice to confirm your new password. When you enter a password, dots will be displayed in place of the actual characters typed.
The passwords are stored in an encrypted hashed format, which means they cannot be retrieved and decrypted. Consequently, when clicking the Change Password button, the password fields are displayed blank.
These passwords are only relevant for Digitise Apps Users. You cannot set passwords for other user types here.
Description of this user for reference purposes.
Security Action
The Security Action Property allows you to deny access to an individual user and also to automatically delete your Digitise apps from their device. Possible values are:
Does nothing.
Purge Applications
The next time this user connects, a message will be sent to the device they are using to delete all its Digitise apps and associated data.
Purge Applications and Digitise Apps Install
On currently supported devices, this is equivalent to Purge Applications and will only delete the Digitise apps and data.
Deny Device Access to Server
Block access to the server for this user, but nothing will be deleted from their device.
For Android, Universal Windows and Windows Desktop Platforms, changes to this Property will be updated on the Digitise Apps Client or Standalone App the next time the Client connects to the App Server to refresh the App List, i.e. if the Client or Standalone App checks for updates when loading or authenticates a user with the App Server or a user manually refreshes the list. On Apple devices, the Digitise Apps Client doesn't include the ability to refresh the Application List, so changes will be picked up the next time the Client or Standalone App authenticates a user with the App Server.
Default value: None
Type (read-only)
Indicates the type of user the current user is:
User – Digitise Apps User, OAuth User or Anonymous User
AdUser - Windows/Active Directory User.
Audit Level
Allows you to specify a different level of audit and diagnostic logging to the system default setting for this user.
Has the following settings available:
Debug – debug level messages enabled plus recording server-client communications to disk.
Audit – standard level
None – no auditing
Default – Use the default logging setting from the Default Audit Level Property under the Server category.
If you set this Property to a value other than Default, the value specified will override the Server setting for this user.
Note that you can also set the logging level for individual apps, in which case the setting highest up in the list of values above will be used – see Audit and Debug Logging for more details.